Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cubs options are dwindling this offseason.

by: pageian

If anything Carrie Muskat says can be believed the Cubs are now targeting Marlon Byrd as their choice for centerfield now that Mike Cameron is off the market.  Bad choice.  Didn't Jim Hendry learn anything last year after signing a former Texas Rangers outfielder with the initials MB who just came off a career year?

Cameron would have been a good option but Boston took him off the market on Monday, the same day they inked John Lackey to an $87.5 million dollar deal.  Byrd is fine defensively but he's no Cameron.  The main problem with him however are his home/road splits.  His home .OPS with the Rangers the last three years hasn't been any less than .130 higher than his road .OPS.  His career road .OPS is a pedestrian .716, not what the Cubs need in their outfield or lineup.  Frankly they'd be better of bringing Reed Johnson back for another year or just kissing and making up with Milton Bradley.  Seriously, are they going to find a better hitter at their price on the free agent market this winter than Bradley?  No, not at this point.  Jason Bay is to expensive and doesn't play defense well enough in left field to think he could survive in right field in Wrigley.  Matt Holliday might be able to handle right field but he's going to be even more expensive than Bay.  The Cubs are in a tight place here with fewer and fewer options available.  They should really consider keeping Fukudome in center, bringing back Reed Johnson and talking it out with Bradley.

There is some good news in the baseball world.  Scott Boras is doing it again, having only one bidder for Matt Holliday yet getting them to bid against themselves.  Fortunately for Cub fans, it's the Cardinals.  Let's hope he busts them to the point they have trouble eventually fitting Pujols and his coming massive raise into payroll.  They're not going to let Pujols go so they'll need to make concessions elsewhere if they want both Holliday and Pujols in the same lineup.  For once it's safe to root for Boras.

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